Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Gymnastics Show and Dance Rrehearsal

We're starting to cross off items from the "List of Things in May". Madelyn & Grace completed the gymnastics year with their annual show this past Saturday. Both girls did their tumbling, climbing and swinging from the bars with enthusiasm and skill. After a brief rest Saturday afternoon, at Gimp & Nonnie's camp in St. Albans, it was time for Vicki's School of Dance Dress Rehearsal on Monday. This will be Vicki's 30th Recital and the 1st at the new Cony High School. The Auditorium is beautiful (and air conditioned!). I'll post some pictures from the gymnastics a little later....and Recital pictures next week.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


May: It's the most busiest time of the year.........

I don't know how Jessica keeps it all straight!
Mondays: Madelyn to school, Grace to speech therapy.........
Tuesdays: Madelyn to school, Grace & Mom to nursery school (Great Nana watches Claire), Madelyn to gymnastics
Wednesdays: Madelyn to school, Grace to speech therapy, Madelyn to piano, M,G & mom to dance class!
Thursdays: Madelyn to school, Grace & Mom to nursery school (Grampie watches Claire), Madelyn to t-ball practice, Mommy to dance practice
Fridays: Madelyn to school, Grace to gymnastics.....
Saturdays: Madelyn t-ball games

May is also dance recital time, the gymnastics show and Jessica's parent-teacher conferences. Sprinkle in some OT & PT visits for Claire and the fact that school is winding down and Jessica is busy putting portfolios together for her students and parent-teacher conferences, some extra practices for the upcoming recital; we are all looking forward to most everything winding down at the end of the month!!!! Piano might be the only thing that continues into the summer (Madelyn will probably attend a camp for a week) as Grace is going to be discharged from speech in the beginning of June. After that, on sunny days, I'm sure that you will find the Dwyer girls at the ACC beach!

Monday, May 07, 2007


WalkAmerica 2007

We had a great day for the March of Dimes WalkAmerica yesterday. Participation, in number of teams and walkers, doubled from last year in Augusta. The KSB Winthrop Claire Bears were able to raise over $4,000! We'll look to improve all of these numbers next year.
Claire was there to see the walkers off at the start of the race and, along with her sisters, indicated that they want to walk next year.
Thank you for your support in the effort to save babies just like Claire.

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